Call for proposals for Industrial Teams

Call for proposals for Industrial Teams

Transnational Access to GANIL in the frame of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

The link address is:

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Project Extension

The project is extended up to March 31st, 2021.

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Nucleo'Focus at GANIL

Nucleopolis has organized a day dedicated to innovation at GANIL on February 5th, 2019.

This special day gathered scientists and industrials on know-hows and technologies developed at GANIL.

More information, in French, on Nucleopolis web site.

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RADSAGA project: How radiation impact your everyday life

This video shows how the remnants of supernovaes and of gigantic solar storms can have an impact on your everyday life and how they can threaten current and future space missions. Fortunately, there's a EU project, RADSAGA, that aims at keeping your electronics safe and reliable. GANIL is associated to the RADSAGA project in its goal to innovate and train young scientists and engineers in all aspects related to electronics exposed to radiation.

To see the video click here.

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GANIL user community portal

A portal dedicated to GANIL community was implemented on January the 25th 2018 : This portal simplifies the access to GANIL tools (IT tools, communication tools...). This way every GANIL user have a unique account and only one place to manage that account for all tools. A database for GANIL Users was created, thanks to email addresses used for conferences announcement and collaborations lists. It is used for important announcements for GANIL community: elections of the GANIL User Executive Committee, call for proposals for the Program Advisory Committee of the laboratory, circulars of conferences…

This portal also provides a centralized access to publication and automatic edition tools (newsletter, publication on internal information broadcast system).

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Twitter post from Normandy Region

In December 2017, the Normandy Region funded a research project coordinated by GANIL and LPC laboratory. The news was sent to the Region communication office who diffused it on its Twitter page.

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GANIL Newsletter

First edition of GANIL Newsletter was sent in January to members and funding partners.

It gathers information about GANIL and recent achievements.

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