Work Package 2 – International Coordination and New Partners

WP LEADERS: Fanny Farget, IN2P3 and Pascal Debu, CEA

Starting from January 1st, 2016, the GIE GANIL legal status now allows associated scientific partnerships with national and international collaborating institutions. The WP2 – International Coordination and New Partners will use this new legal opportunity to enlarge the GANIL membership to include academic and/or private institutions. Looking for new partnerships will be based on longstanding collaborations of GANIL with numerous institutions worldwide. In particular, GANIL has been collaborating for decades with German institutions such as GSI where the ESFRI FAIR infrastructure is currently being built. The other priority countries are Poland, Italy, Romania, Belgium, and Sweden in Europe, India and U.S.A. abroad. Other collaborating countries will be approached in a second stage. Enlargement of the GANIL membership goes hand-in-hand with strengthening the involvement of the present institutional funding partners, and through the addition of possible private sponsors and academic users of GANIL facilities in the governing infrastructure.

Task 1
Enlargement of membership towards academics and involvement of
institutional funders
Task 2
Private sponsors and banks
Task 1

Consist in identify potential sponsors to open new and sustainable possibilities for GANIL financial support.

Task 2

Explore the possibilities for private foundations and/or individuals to sponsor GANIL, taking the EUFORI Study report as a starting point.

Task 3

In-kind contributions are often a large part of partner contributions to research infrastructures. Therefore, the evaluation of in-kind contributions is a major point of
negotiation with partners.

Task 4

Propose to the GANIL management and regulatory authorities an adequate user’s organisation including new committees, their terms of reference and membership,
decision processes and information exchange.