Work Package 3 – Excellence of Access to Infrastructure

WP LEADER: Bertrand Franel, GANIL

The objective of WP3 – Excellence of Access to Infrastructure is an important qualitative improvement of the user access organisation in order to ensure its constant excellence in the future. In this aim, the access policies, organisation of logistical support and management of IPRs will be modified for the specific features of SPIRAL2. The costs for serving the users will be assessed for better informing the funding partners and users. A Data Management Plan will be proposed to improve the performance capabilities of GANIL. A personnel exchange and training programme will be drafted with the GANIL partners.

Task 1
Definition of access policies for researchers, organization of the logistic support for researchers, and management of IPRs and ethical issues
Task 2
Assessment of the costs for serving the user
Task 3
Data management
Task 4
How to improve efficiency: study of GANIL performance capabilities
Task 5
Organization of personnel exchange and training
Task 1

Ethical issues will then concern relations with third countries, environment, health, nuclear safety and security. A dedicated ethical code of conduct will be elaborated
to be signed by concerned users.

Task 2

Communicate to users and funding partners in order to highlight the necessary budget for each experiment. They will be extensively used in negotiations
with potential national and international partners of GANIL.

Task 3

List and describe the types of datas generated by the installation and perform an audit of current and future GANIL users and decide how they wish to access
and use the datasets afterwards.

Task 4

Optimize the performance capabilities of GANIL, the project aims at the analysis of efficiency in terms of providing beam, realisation of experiments,
project coordination, etc.

Task 4

Evaluate the possible common tools and resources to develop short and long-term staff exchanges and mutual training.