Work Package 5 – Communication and Outreach

WP LEADER: Adeline Jeanne, GANIL

The WP5 – Communication and Outreach activities will strongly support WP2, WP3 and WP4 actions in order to optimize their effects. It will fulfil general objectives of an optimized communication of GANIL research topics, highlights and practical information to anyone professionally or personally interested by GANIL activities. In this aim, specific communication actions will be developed towards users, members and funders of infrastructure, towards the layman and the media. Appropriate key messages will be formulated to each audience.

Task 1

Preparation of dedicated communication tools, a local communication network will be created in order to favour exchange of information between GANIL,
the local funding partners and members and the public.

Task 2

Various tools will be developed to improve this information flux, for exemple website, newletter etc.

Task 3

Special actions are necessary to communicate about this new infrastructure, such as seminars, a virtual visit of GANIL to be available online, a travelling
exhibition about GANIL, presentation videos etc.

Task 4

A specific press area will be created on the GANIL web site to provide specific contents to journalists (press releases, copyright-free pictures, press contacts.